ITS Data Categories

This page lists the ITS data categories that ITS Tool supports. For basic information on how to use ITS Tool, see Basic Usage. For information on how ITS interacts with PO files, see ITS and PO. ITS Tool also defines a number of extension categories and elements; see Extensions for information on those.

2.0 This page contains some information specific to ITS 2.0, which is only supported by itstool 2.0.0 and up.


The Translate data category specifies which elements and attributes should be made available for translation. Elements and attributes that are not translatable are still copied as-is to the localized XML document. To prevent elements or attributes from appearing in the localized document at all, use the Locale Filter data category.

The Translate data category can be set globally with the its:translateRule rule or locally with the its:translate attribute. By default, elements are translatable and attributes are not.

Elements Within Text

Modified in 2.0

The Elements Within Text data category specifies which elements are considered to be within the text run of their parent element. Generally, elements that are within text are inline elements. ITS Tool uses this information to determine how to segment the XML into messages in the PO file.

The Elements Within Text data category takes three values: "yes", "no", and "nested". The "nested" value is often used for footnotes, where the element is part of the textual run of the parent, but has its own independent flow. ITS Tool treats "nested" the same as "no".

The Elements Within Text data category can be set globally with the its:withinTextRule rule or locally with the its:withinText attribute. By default, all elements have the value of "no". Note that the local attribute was added in ITS 2.0.

Localization Note

The Localization Note data category provides notes to translators for translatable elements and attributes. ITS Tool converts these into comments in the PO file. At most one localization note can be associated with one element or attribute, but ITS Tool will also produce PO file comments for localization notes associated with inline elements included within a message.

The Localization Note data category can be set globally with the its:locNoteRule rule or locally with the its:locNote or its:locNoteRef attributes, along with the optional its:locNoteType attribute. ITS Tool parses the localization note type, but currently does not do anything with it.

Language Information

The Language Information data category specifies the language of an element or attribute. It can be specified globally with the its:langRule rule. There is no ITS-specific local attribute, but it can be specified locally using the xml:lang attribute.

ITS Tool does not parse language information in the source document. Rather, it inspects the value of the langPointer attribute, and if it’s a simple attribute pointer (such as @lang or @xml:lang), it uses that to determine the language attribute to create on localized output documents.

Preserve Space

New in 2.0

The Preserve Space data category specifies which elements should preserve whitespace, such as code blocks. It can be specified globally with the its:preserveSpaceRule attribute or locally using the standard xml:space attribute. When an element is space-preserving, and when that element corresponds directly to a message, ITS Tool places the standard no-wrap marker on the PO message. Inline space-preserving nodes are not treated specially.

For example, the built-in Mallard ITS rules mark all code elements as space-preserving with the following rule:

<its:preserveSpaceRule space="preserve" selector="//mal:code"/>

The ITS 2.0 Preserve Space data category is based in part on the ITS Tool 1.x extension.

Locale Filter

New in 2.0

The Locale Filter data category allows you to exclude elements and attributes from appearing in localized output based the locale of the target localization. The Locale Filter data category can be set globally with the its:localeFilterRule rule or locally with the its:localeFilterList and optional its:localeFilterType attributes.

The locale filter list is a comma-separated list of extended language ranges, as defined by BCP47. If the locale filter type is set to "include", the element is only included for locales that match one of the values in the locale filter list. If the locale filter type is set to "exclude", the element is included in all locales except those that match one of the values in the locale filter list. By default, the locale filter type is "include" and the locale filter list is "*".

If the locale filter indicates that an element should not be included in any locales (an empty list for "include", or "*" for "exclude"), ITS Tool will not output a message for that element in the PO file, hiding it completely from translators. Otherwise, for non-default values, ITS Tool will place the locale filter in a special marker comment on the message to advise translators. Translation tools that consume POT files from ITS Tool may make use of that marker comment to hide the message in locales that are excluded by the locale filter.

When merging or joining documents, ITS Tool will not add an element to the result document if it is excluded by a locale filter for the language being processed. Exclusion when generating resultant XML documents is entirely independent of whether a message was output to a PO file.

ID Value

New in 2.0

The ID Value data category allows you to associate a unique identifier with each element and attribute in a document. ID values can be computed using an XPath expression evaluated relative to the target node. The ID Value data category can be set globally with the its:idValueRule rule. There is no ITS-specific local attribute. Instead, use the standard xml:id attribute.

ITS Tool does not use the ID value for any of its own calculations. It places the ID in a marker comment in the PO file. This can help translators find content in the source documents, and may be used by tools that consume the POT files generated by ITS Tool.

External Resource

New in 2.0

The External Resource data category specifies resources outside the XML document that should be translated, possibly by a separate procedure than the one used to translate the XML. The External Resource data category can be set globally with the its:externalResourceRefRule rule. The data category associates with a particular element or attribute a URL that identifies an external resource.

ITS Tool creates a PO message for each translatable external resource. It does not attempt to parse external resources or put their contents into PO files. Rather, it calculates an MD5 checksum for each resource and puts that in the PO file message along with the resource URI. ITS Tool uses the special msgctxt "_" for all special messages that don’t correspond to text in the XML document.

For example, the built-in Mallard ITS rules contain the following:

<itst:externalResourceRefRule selector="//mal:media"

Here is an example of the output:

msgctxt "_"
msgid "external ref='nautilus.png' md5='cbc3bbf0d998ed7a6567eb3b0c402195'"
msgstr ""

Translators can set the msgstr to anything they like to specify that they’ve created a localized copy of the file. The actual msgstr doesn’t matter. It’s only for tracking urposes. When new external files are added, new messages will be added. When existing files change, their MD5 checksums will change, causing the msgid to change. This tells translators they need to update their localized copy of the file.